Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

The Paralyzing Effects of Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can have profound and often debilitating effects on an individual’s life. The paralyzing effects of anxiety can manifest in various ways, impacting daily activities, relationships, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the paralyzing effects of anxiety, how it manifests, and strategies to manage […]

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Exploring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is another form of cognitive behavioral therapy that emphasizes increasing a person’s functionality despite mental health symptoms, chronic pain, of life stress. But what are the benefits of ACT therapy? How can ACT help you in your life? ACT therapy has been shown to alleviate many different challenges in an

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Utilizing Grounding Skills: 9 Skills to Help You Ground Yourself

We go through life and often do not acquire the skills to regulate our emotions, nervous system, or mental health symptoms when they arise. So, when we do need to ground ourselves, we can feel adrift in the middle of the ocean with no direction. Utilizing grounding skills to help manage these challenges can be

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Life with Bipolar Disorder

Trying to live life with bipolar disorder can feel like a roller coaster. The unpredictable changes in mood, not knowing if today motivation will be your ally or an adversary. Trying to constantly predict what and when a symptom will appear is exhausting in it of itself. What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is classified

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Can Therapy Improve Self-Esteem?

There are many situations and experiences throughout life that tear down self-esteem. But the question is, can therapy improve self-esteem? What Factors Damage Self-Esteem? People first develop a sense of self and their own self-esteem during early childhood. Stressors and negative experiences during this time through the age of 10-11 can include: Invalidating parents –

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Why do people self-harm?

This is a great question, and self-harm is one of the mostly highly stigmatized aspects of mental illness. Per the American Psychological Association, about 5% adults self-harm with rates spiking in early adulthood. That’s about 16.5 million adults in the U.S. today. This still does not answer the question of as why do people self-harm?

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Impacts of Depression on Life

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), in 2020, 8.4% of adults in the United States experienced a depressive episode. Click here to read more information from NAMI on Depression. How Does Depression Affect My Life? Depression can present differently for every person. Some may experience a number of the common depression symptoms.

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What Are The Effects of Anxiety?

Anxiety does not discriminate and can be caused by various situations, people, or thoughts. Per the National Institute of Mental Health and research they cite, click here to read the article, anxiety rates in the United States are around 19.1% for those 18 years or older. Anxiety can impact many different domains of a person’s

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