
The Paralyzing Effects of Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can have profound and often debilitating effects on an individual’s life. The paralyzing effects of anxiety can manifest in various ways, impacting daily activities, relationships, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the paralyzing effects of anxiety, how it manifests, and strategies to manage […]

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Understanding Depression and Suicide – Breaking the Silence

Depression and suicide are critical mental health issues that demand our attention, understanding, and action. Despite advances in mental health awareness, these topics often remain shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. In this blog, we will explore the nature of depression, the factors contributing to suicidal thoughts, and the steps we can take to support those

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Heal Your Body – An EMDR Therapist Near South Kenosha

EMDR therapy helps people heal from the bottom-up versus talk therapy, or top-down therapies. An EMDR therapist near you can help heal the nervous system from past traumatic experiences and/or situations that caused high levels of stress and overwhelm. EMDR therapy’s effectiveness stems from evidence-based research studies. EMDR is also showing effectiveness to help other

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Traumatic Brain Injuries and Identity Challenges

Traumatic Brain injuries (TBIs) can present as complex physical health challenges. However, TBIs can also create mental health problems. Another less-known fact about TBIs is the identity challenge(s) people experience afterward. This blog post will explore this topic after a brief overview of TBIs. TBI Overview TBIs can occur from within the body when referencing

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Managing Survivor’s Guilt: Life After Trauma

This blog post will explore ‘what is survivor’s guilt’, the challenges survivor’s guilt creates in one’s life, and how to heal from survivor’s guilt afterward. Survivor’s guilt may follow a traumatic experience that takes the life of someone you know or severely harms someone who was in the vicinity or area that you were in.

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Finding Peace After the Storm: A Guide to Healing Chronic Trauma

Trauma can occur at any moment or in any experience in life. This blog post will explore the situations that may create chronic trauma, the effects of chronic traumatization on life, and what and how to heal from chronic traumatization. A side note – even if traumatic experiences have occurred years or decades in the

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Navigate Mental Health Resources

Facing mental health symptoms and their associated challenges can be intimidating and daunting. It can also be a powerless endeavor as one recognizes that mental health symptoms rarely come and go but more so come and stay throughout someone’s life. The hard part of living with mental health symptoms is learning how to navigate the

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How Does Somatic Experiencing Therapy Work?

Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy was designed by Dr. Peter Levine to assist with healing from various forms of trauma, nervous system dysregulation, and other disruptions within the mind-body connection. SE is considered a bottom-up form of therapy meaning that SE helps people heal from the body, nervous system, and then up the brain direction versus

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What Does Grief and Loss Look Like?

Every person will experience grief and loss differently in life. Many factors impact how an individual will experience grief and loss. A person’s culture, upbringing, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity may all impact how grief and loss are experienced. Whenever a connection with something we care about is severed, grief and loss can occur. But what

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Panic

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. This blog post will explore how CBT therapy works and how it can alleviate panic attack symptoms. How Does CBT Therapy Work? CBT therapy was developed by the late Aaron Beck in the 1960s. Click here

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