Mood Disorder

Can Individual Therapy in Cherry Creek Improve Mood?

Mood can be impacted by many variables. In this blog post, we will highlight some of these variables, ways to improve mood regulation, and explore mental health therapies that can be beneficial to supporting recovery. Finally, see how working with a therapist for mood disorders can support you! What Variables Impact Mood Dysregulation? An individual’s […]

Can Individual Therapy in Cherry Creek Improve Mood? Read More »

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy Individual therapy is gaining popularity as it can target a wide array of challenges someone experiences in life. Most therapy is confidential unless certain statutory limitations are met that would require mandatory reporting. Another way to buffer against the potential of someone reviewing your records it to private pay for services which eliminates

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What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a mental health illness where a person experiences fluctuating mood swings. These mood swings can include: depression, hypomania, and manic episodes. Depression related mood swings typically refer to periods of time when a person’s motivation is low, they feel helpless and hopeless that things in their will not get better,  and are

What is Bipolar Disorder? Read More »

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