Mental Health Awareness

When’s the last time you checked in on yourself and how you were doing? Really checked in, not just an ‘I’m tired’ but thought ‘what do I really need?’

Every day we are bombarded with external and internal stressors that drain our energy. Stressors are different for everyone. One of the biggest differentiators for labeling stress is how a person perceives the stressor. Changing perspective can shift stress from distress to eustress. Distress is typically associated with uncomfortable and negative short and long-term effects. Eustress on the other hand is related to using stress in our lives to gain a new skill, develop a more beneficial thought process, or helping us to develop grit. 

Our society tends to not appreciate the toxicity that permeates most aspects of our lives. From social media to workplace drama, road rage to not getting enough sleep, or work stress and not enough time with loved ones. We run ourselves hard and to the limits in this country. There is nothing inherently bad with this just as long as we are taking care of ourselves. If you take from the bucket be sure to refill it. How do you tend to recharge?  Some people use therapy to recharge and create new perspectives. Others spend time in nature, silence, or go for a walk. Often, our lives are moving so fast we struggle to find enough time to sleep more less do something that brings us joy and peace. 

Being intentional is something we are good at for all other activities in our lives except our mental wellbeing. Using our days off, weekends, and/or lunch breaks to reconnect our mind and body from the go-go-go of work or life can go a long way. Increasing our mind-body awareness tends to assist people with self-regulating their mood and thoughts. This can have a net positive impact on your work performance, relationships with others, and your self-esteem. 

If you or someone you know could benefit from therapy or support with mind-body connection, please submit a form below and we will reach out with 24 hours. 

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am - 9pm

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