Understanding and Healing Male Trauma

Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occur daily throughout the world. At times, men may struggle to find or make the time for therapy, avoid others’ suggestions to start therapy, or straight out deny and avoid the need for trauma therapy. This blog post highlights ways we can begin understanding and healing male trauma in our society.

Can Men Heal from Trauma?

All men are different. Some wear their emotions on their sleeves or openly share about their feelings while others may appear more stoic and reserved. I point this fact out because no matter how a man portrays his inner experiences, trauma will eventually come out. A man (and as humans in general) can only avoid internal stressors for so long.

Biologically, men are different than women. However, no matter the sex, our nervous systems respond similarly to traumatic stress, with fight/flight, freeze, and/or appeasement responses. And, after trauma, men’s nervous systems can become dysregulated just as women’s.

To answer the sub-question directly, yes, men can heal from trauma. Many forms of trauma therapy can support trauma reprocessing and integration. We start by creating a safe, comfortable environment and then work through the trauma therapy process in a phase-oriented manner. This method sends signals of safety to the nervous system which allows for the internal healing necessary to shift brain patterns, emotions, and nervous system re-regulation.

What forms of Trauma Therapy Work Best?

Every therapist trained in trauma therapy will answer this question differently but with great intention. At Revitalize Mental Health PLLC, we utilize both Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy to stabilize the nervous system, integrate and process traumatic material, and rebuild a man’s self-esteem.

An EMDR therapist can help facilitate male trauma therapy to heal the body and nervous system.

  • EMDR therapy is a gentle way to restart the body’s innate ability to heal. This internal healing often becomes disrupted by overwhelming levels of stress and/or traumatic experiences. An EMDR therapist will help you organically restart this internal healing process.
  • SE therapy focuses its healing efforts within the body by meticulously tracking internal body sensations and responses that naturally occur within the body. Oftentimes, our bodies create their own avoidant and defense mechanisms when stress or trauma arises. This inadvertently impedes the internal healing process. By completing these innate responses, the body can naturally integrate past traumatic experiences.

Male Trauma Therapy Near Me

To the men out there – don’t let your past trauma or overwhelming stress define your life and impact your relationships with others and yourself. Internal peace and healthier relationships are attainable. Trauma therapy can bring healing to your body and unlock your potential.

Therapist for Trauma

Find a therapist who is trained in trauma treatment to start healing today. Undue the control and avoidance patterns that cost so much in life. Step into healing and see for yourself the benefits trauma therapy can unlock.

I can’t promise it will be quick. But, with consistency and patience, healing is achievable. Call us now at 720.295.6703 or submit an online form here to start the trauma recovery process.

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