Therapy versus Counseling

Do I need therapy?

Before we answer this, let’s delve define some topics! People often confuse counseling, therapy, and psychotherapy. The latter two being similar. Counseling can take place in a talk format and be used as support for someone. Therapy/psychotherapy (here-on-out referred to as ‘therapy’) on the other hand typically have specific targets associated with treatment. Here is a breakdown of what counseling can be utilized for and where therapy may be more appropriate.

Counseling can target the following areas:

  • Support with important decisions
  • Talking through stressors
  • Validation

Counseling services can be a great way to orient someone towards seeking help/support as this is highly stigmatized in our society.

A few areas therapy can target:

Counselor and client
Man in a therapy session.
  • Trauma experience(s)
  • Problematic thought patterns
  • Mood challenges
  • Avoidance and escape patterns
  • Self-esteem and self-worth challenges
  • Body dysmorphia
  • Problematic behaviors
  • Grief and Loss
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

How long does therapy last?

Therapy can be session limited depending on what type of therapy modality is used and the person’s presenting symptoms. Length of therapy will mostly likely be determined in your initial therapy session(s).

How much does therapy cost?

Therapy services vary city to city and is dependent on your therapist’s training and qualifications. This topic is usually discussed in consultation calls before a person starts therapeutic services.

Where can I do therapy?

This is a big question. Before the COVID pandemic almost all therapy services were provided in-person. Since COVID things have dramatically shifted. Most therapists now offer telehealth or online therapy sessions. Virtual therapy has greatly increased the accessibility of services, especially in rural regions. This is an important fact to check when seeking therapy as some clinicians only provide either in-person or telehealth. Other therapists provide a mixture to not only accommodate clients’ schedules but their own schedules too!

If you have questions about the services we provide at Revitalize Mental Health PLLC submit a form here or call us 720.295.6703 to schedule a free 20-minute consultation call. We look forward to hearing from you!

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