The Importance of Emotional Resilience: Strategies to Bounce Back from Life’s Challenges

Emotional resilience is a very important topic to discuss as it directly relates to mental health symptoms and one’s overall quality of life. Life throws many different stressors and challenges at us, which can either define our lives or negatively influence how we live our lives. Thus, learning about both the importance of emotional resilience and strategies to bounce back from life’s challenges is crucial for living the life you desire.

What is Emotional Resilience?

Simply put, emotional resilience is learning how to adapt and flex when stressful situations directly impact our emotional state. By adapting and flexing, our emotions and nervous system rise to meet the needs of the situation and then naturally reregulate once the stressor(s) pass. There are many ways emotional resilience is developed. These will be explored in the paragraph below in more detail.

Emotional resilience allows us to take stressors in stride, and albeit powerful and visceral, at times, to continue towards our defined values. Side note – emotional resilience also helps to form and maintain grit in our lives. Check out the article here from the National Library of Medicine to read more about how people can use emotions to help bounce back from stressors. Keep reading to learn more about how emotional resilience is formed.

How is Emotional Resilience Formed?

As noted above, emotional resilience can be formed through many dif Emotional resilience can help to protect us from stress and trauma when it arises. See how individual therapy can help! ferent experiences. Most significantly, our caregivers and/or parents are the primary source of how we learn emotional resilience. From this, we not only observe how these individuals experience stress but also cope with it. We learn from them how stress can be used to create internal motivation and, one of the most underrated qualities, the patience to see difficult things through. Other situations that can also help foster emotional resilience include sports play, other forms of competition, illness, grief and loss, and significant life transitions. This is not an exhaustive list.

Intersection Between Emotional Resilience and Mental Health

This section of the blog is very important. Those who develop emotional resilience are better able to buffer against the stressors of life. But why is this important? Great question. This buffering is crucial as it protects the body from becoming emotionally activated and from nervous system dysregulation. When the human body becomes activated or the nervous system becomes dysregulated the body responds by dumping large amounts of neurotransmitters and hormones into the body. This happens to prepare us to flee, fight, collapse, or appease to evade stress. When we successfully buffer against stressors, we protect parts of our body that are negatively impacted by these neurotransmitters and hormones. This includes parts of our gene code, which, when parts of the gene code become activated, can lead to mental health symptoms.

Does Individual Therapy Near Me Help Form Emotional Resilience?

To answer this question, I would say ‘yes it can’. Individual therapy can help to foster meaning, courage, grit, and resilience from the past challenges you’ve experienced. It can also target, heal, and integrate past traumatic experiences so that they no longer disrupt your current life. Therapy can be a space where you alleviate the stress of life so stress and trauma do not build within the body. Overall, individual therapy can help to better how you interact with emotions and thoughts, and to cope with stressors in a healthier manner.

Expert Individual Therapist Near Me

Emotional resilience can not only help make your life better but also positively impact those around you. If you didn’t grow up with this skill, don’t give up! In time, this skill can be developed.

I understand asking for help can be uncomfortable and nerve-racking.  In a confidential environment, we can work on developing this skill set. I can be reached by calling 720.295.6703 or by submitting and online form by following this link here on the website. I look forward to hearing from you.

By: Daniel Gospodarek, LCSW

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