Suicide and Mental Health Awareness in Colorado

Suicide and mental health go hand-in-hand. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 2022 suicide rates increased 2.6% from 2021 to almost 50,000 people per year. (This data takes time to collect and analyze). The CDC further breaks down suicide by age and other demographic information for reference, but that is outside the scope of this blog post.

Suicidal thoughts negatively impact our mental health and functioning in life.

Most often, people associate depression with suicide completion. There is truth in this, yet there is more to it as well. The following list of mental health factors can influence suicide:

  • Childhood development trauma
  • Sexual abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Trauma later in life
  • Substance use
  • Low self-esteem or worth

At times, mental health symptoms can influence suicidal ideation.

External Stressors and Its Influence on Suicide

Not only do mental health symptoms directly or indirectly influence suicidal thoughts, so do external events. Every person is different. Stress from external events may directly influence suicidal ideation or these stressors may influence mental health symptoms, such as depression or trauma, that then influence thoughts related to suicide.

Suicide’s Functionality

Despite the taboo around this topic. Suicide, functionally, plays a role. It is a form of escape to whatever internal or external stressors are present in a person’s life. Often the person who attempts and/or completes suicide does not see a way out of the stressor(s).

What Are Warning Signs of Suicide

No person is the same and warning signs of suicide may look different from person to person. Some common warning signs that someone is thinking about suicide are included below:

  • Writing goodbye letters
  • Giving away possessions
  • Making amends with people who they have hurt
  • Loneliness
  • Hopelessness
  • Feeling of being a burden to others
  • Increased pain tolerance
  • Not having value to others
  • New patterns of behaviors
  • Researching suicide

Other suicide warning signs are included here on the National Institute of Mental Health’s webpage for reference.

Grief and Loss Associated with Suicide

Often, after a death or a suicide, there is a rush of emotions and hormones to help us push through the immediate needs that follow a death of someone we care about. Despite the taboo around the topic.

People who knew and loved the individual who died by suicide still go through the grief and loss process. They often need support, love, and space to establish some level of normalcy, however, if ever, that is possible.

Can Therapy in Kenosha Help with Suicidal Thoughts?

Depending on if the person who has suicidal thought wants support, yes, working with a therapist trained in mental health, and is comfortable working with suicidal ideation, can be a benefit.

Depending on the therapist and the person seeking services, establishing rapport and trust are foundational aspects to supporting future therapy work. As noted above, suicidal thoughts can be influenced by many factors, if some of these variables include:

  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Past trauma(s)
  • Grief and loss

Then Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocess (EMDR) therapy can be beneficial to addressing and healing these aspects.

Revitalize Mental Health PLLC – A Therapist Near You That Understands Suicidal Ideation

We understand that suicidal thoughts are something to work with and hold a certain function in people’s lives. See how working with a mental health professional can help you heal and grow into the person you desire. Call now, 720.295.6703, or submit a form here to start your healing process!

Location Map: 625 57th Street Kenosha, WI 53140

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