PTSD Treatment Near Milwaukee, WI

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can impede a person’s life. It can freeze you in your tracks from pursuing your goals, your values, and the hobbies that mean so much to you. PTSD can also interfere with how you build and manage relationships in life. Many different forms of psychotherapy are shown to be effective in treating PTSD. At Revitalize Mental Health PLLC, I use Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy to support trauma recovery. PTSD treatment near Milwaukee, WI can help you heal from the past that holds you back in life.

Trauma Disrupts the Body

PTSD, and trauma in general, change how the body works. Not only do neural network patterns in the brain shift after trauma but so does the body. After trauma, the body will redirect energy away from supporting the immune system and the digestive system functioning so that we have more energy for the fight, flight, or freeze response if needed. More can be read about the impacts of trauma on the body here.

Trauma Creates Nervous System Dysregulation

As mentioned above, trauma and PTSD can disrupt how the nervous system self-regulates. Because of the extreme stress that we experienced a week ago, a decade ago, or when we were a child, our nervous systems can become locked in certain states and become very rigid. The nervous system thus loses the flexibility to respond to situations appropriately. Trauma therapy helps bring back this flexibility within the nervous system so that we can flex to meet the daily needs of our lives.

Healing the Nervous System with Polyvagal Theory

Polyvagal Theory underpins a significant portion of bottom-up trauma therapy. That’s because Polyvagal Theory describes how the vagus nerve impacts such a large degree of nervous system functioning. Stephen Porges created the Polyvagal Theory, and more can be read about the power of Polyvagal Theory by following this link here. Polyvagal Theory is a powerful intervention to support their healing from trauma. Finding internal peace after trauma with the support of an expert trauma therapist.

Both EMDR therapy and SE therapy first work by targeting the body and nervous system functioning. These forms of trauma therapy are heavily informed by Polyvagal Theory. We set the groundwork so that cognitive thoughts can begin to change as the body begins to heal. As therapy for trauma progresses, one’s thoughts begin to shift away from ‘this world is a horrific place,’ ‘I can’t trust anyone’, and ‘I don’t believe in myself’ to more neutral or positive thoughts such as ‘I can achieve what I set my mind to,’ ‘if I trust, not everyone will  break it.’ So, by stabilizing the body and the nervous system a person’s cognitive thoughts automatically begin to shift into more positive perspectives.

PTSD Treatment Near Milwaukee, WI

If you are looking to start PTSD treatment near Milwaukee Wisconsin, I am currently accepting new clients. At Revitalize Mental Health PLLC, I can support you in the trauma therapy process so that you can define a new life not ruled by trauma and PTSD.

If you or someone you know is seeking out PTSD treatment or trauma therapy, please give me a call at 720.295.6703 or submit a form on the website here. My office is located in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and for those living near Southern Milwaukee or Southeastern Wisconsin, we can do in-person sessions. For those living throughout Wisconsin or Colorado, I offer virtual trauma therapy sessions to support you in the recovery process. I look forward to hearing from you.

By: Daniel Gospodarek, LCSW

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