Mental Health and Relationships

Most of us have seen the publicity around Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Sometimes the media highlights the beauty and the ‘highs’ of relationships. If you haven’t read about their relationship or this is news to you click here to read more.  However, relationships can be negatively impacted by mental health symptoms when they arise. Keep reading to learn more about mental health and relationships throughout life.

Mental Health Symptoms in Life

Depending on the person, mental health symptoms can present differently. Some people have experienced past traumas in their lives, others have challenges with anxiety or depression. Still, other individuals face struggles related to obsessive-compulsive disorder or substance abuse. Other major mental health disorders can include schizophrenia and/or psychosis, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders. All of these symptoms of mental illnesses can negatively impact life. Seeking out a therapist near you can be a large benefit in obtaining the life you desire.

Different Types of Relationships

Relationships in life take many different forms as we experience many different types of relationships as we grow. Relationships first start with our caregivers and, just as importantly, ourselves as a child. We then progress towards friendships while in school and sports gameplay. As we mature, we generally seek out relationships to those who we are attracted to. Still more, as we age, we develop peer relationships, professional relationships, and deep friendships with those around us. We may form a committed relationship that endures for long periods. The main takeaway about relationships here is that our relationships in life shift and evolve. They typically do not stay the same.

The Intersection of Mental Health and Relationships in Life

Mental illness or mental health symptoms tend to be thought of as ‘a person’s challenge’. We often forget that a person’s mental health symptoms can become a stressor for their friends, family, and employers. Depression can increase a person’s isolation which then increases their tardiness to work or limits social engagement. Past traumas can negatively interfere with romantic relationships due to fears around vulnerability. Furthermore, substance abuse can create legal challenges which can lead to short/long-term single parenting situations, medical issues, or the need for detox treatment.

The important point here is mental health symptoms, when left untreated, can create various challenges in one’s relationships. However, pursuing recovery in whichever way makes sense for that individual can help to reduce these stressors and decrease overall friction in relationships.

Relationship Counseling Near Me

Find a relationship counselor near you who understands relationships and mental illness can be hard.

Finding a relationship counselor near me can be a great way to highlight areas that need both further discussion as well as individual therapy to help create lasting changes. At Revitalize Mental Health PLLC, one of our focus areas is supporting people in relationships where mental health symptoms decrease the quality of the relationship dynamic. Call now, 720.295.6703, or submit an online form here to start relationship counseling near you!

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