Lasting Effects of Childhood Trauma

As mentioned in previous blogs, trauma can occur at any point in someone’s life. But why does childhood trauma impact the trajectory of someone’s life so much? This blog post will explore both the lasting effects of childhood trauma as well as ways to heal from these experiences. Trauma during childhood can create trauma responses, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) depending on the length and severity of the traumatic experiences(s).

Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma can take many forms. Consequently, childhood trauma can have some of the most powerful impacts on one’s development and later life. Trauma can take many forms during childhood. This can include emotional neglect, sexual abuse, psychological trauma, or physical abuse. Other areas of trauma that children may be exposed to include domestic violence, gaslighting, and manipulation.

While discussing this topic, it’s important to note that the duration of the traumatic experience is a crucial factor. Single-incident trauma over time can impact how someone sees the world and can create trauma-like responses or result in PTSD. However, when a child endures prolonged exposure to trauma, this can lead to CPTSD.

Brain Changes from Childhood Trauma

Trauma during childhood can impact many different areas of development. One area that is impacted by trauma is brain development. Research indicates that children who experience chronic traumatization will develop heightened emotional responses and increased levels of stress hormones. To read more about trauma’s impacts on brain development click here to reference additional material.

Perspective Taking

Experiencing trauma could impact how someone sees the world, especially if the trauma occurred during childhood. Trauma has a way of creating tunnel vision when someone becomes stressed. As this happens to someone’s perception, they can lose the ability to see alternative perspectives to the same situation. This can result in challenges with problem-solving and overall decrease someone’s ability to think creatively in life.

Nervous System and Emotion Regulation

Children who experience prolonged exposure to trauma can develop challenges with regulating their emotions and emotional expression. This can lead to challenges in school, sports, and work performance as the child ages into adulthood. Often, CPTSD can be misdiagnosed. So, a thorough assessment is needed to tease out the root causes of mental health symptoms and overall functioning challenges.

Later in Life

Childhood trauma is important to be aware for many reasons. It can negatively impact one’s level of or lack thereof of self-esteem, complicate how someone builds and maintains relationships, lead to addiction and other avoidance patterns, and impact work productivity. Thus, creating a world wind of challenges and problems later in life.

Therapist Specializing in Childhood Trauma Near Me

At Revitalize Mental Health PLLC, we have supported countless others who desire to heal from childhood trauma. We utilize evidence-based treatment approaches to help you heal and become the best version of yourself you can be. One way to start this healing process is by engaging in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Another powerful form of psychotherapy is Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy. Both forms referenced here can help you begin the healing process.  If you or someone you know struggles with the lasting impacts of childhood trauma reach out now. We can be reached at 720.295.6703 or you can submit an online form here to start the process. We look forward to hearing from you!

By: Daniel Gospodarke, LCSW


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