Individual Counseling Near Wauwatosa, WI

Individual counseling can help provide support for a wide variety of stressors, mental health issues, and life problems that arise. Your unique situation and life experience will determine if, when, and what counseling you seek. This blog post will highlight what counseling is, how it can be beneficial, and ways to find individual counseling near Wauwatosa, WI to help achieve stability and mental health recovery.

What is Individual Counseling?

Individual counseling is a confidential way to seek support for a variety of life challenges, mental health symptoms (anger, grief, anxiety, and depression), intrapersonal dynamics, and the general stressors of life. Counseling may help you to talk through current challenges in life, learn skills to manage emotions and intrusive thoughts, and develop coping strategies to better manage life stress.

Therapy vs Counseling

Counseling is often used in place of the word therapy. However, some consider counseling to be different than therapy. Counseling, in general, is briefer and more talk-oriented versus psychotherapy, which usually focuses on ingrained patterns of thought, behavior, or trauma.  You can read more by following this link here by Medical News Today on the similarities and differences between counseling and therapy. Thus, there are differences to consider when seeking counseling or therapy.

How Can Individual Counseling Help Me?

As noted above, counseling can be sought for many different challenges. Here are a few different scenarios. It can help you work through recent job loss by speaking with someone from a more neutral standpoint. This can help you see different perspectives in life, which can help to dislodge stubbornness. Counseling may be able to help you develop new strategies to manage powerful emotions when they arise. This can then support you in becoming a more responsive versus reactive person. Local counseling can help with many different issues. But you don’t know unless you try!

What Types of Topics Can Be Discussed in Counseling?

This question comes up often. To answer it honestly, anything can be discussed in a counseling session. Here are some topics that may be brought up in individual counseling sessions. A counselor near you may be able to support you from working through the stress of a recent health change or working through a recent breakup. Counseling is more oriented to helping with more short-term, present challenges one experiences in life.

Expert Individual Counselor Near You

Finding an individual counselor that fits your needs can be a challenge. Some important factors to consider are if you prefer to work with a male counselor or a female, the price of counseling sessions and/or if they accept insurance, appointment availability, and whether you prefer in-person or virtual counseling sessions. Sometimes, you may not be able to meet all of these preferences. But, meeting a few of these preferences can be done.

Our lives don't have to be dicated by stress and mental health challenges. Find out how individual counseling near Wauwatosa, WI can help support you and your wellbeing.

At Revitalize Mental Health PLLC, I offer both in-person and online counseling sessions. This flexibility can help to meet your life needs. The two easiest ways to start the counseling process are by either submitting an online form by following this link here or by calling 720.295.6703. Here we can schedule a free 15-minute consultation call to determine if we are a good fit to work together. If we both agree we are, then we’ll schedule our first appointment in this call.

By: Daniel Gospodarek, LCSW

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