The world is filled with stressors from the war in Ukraine to severe weather, and wildfires. Not to mention interest rates and the economy. All of these single or combined stressors can influence our mood and destabilize our nervous system.
Not only does current events cause us current stress, these situations can also activate past traumatic neural networks inside the brain. In essence, our old traumas can become activated by current events or situations we experience today.
How Does Stress Reactivate Trauma?
When we experience trauma or extreme emotions from stress, our nervous system and brain encode these events with incredible detail or implicit memory (felt sense) if our brains can’t make meaning of the situation. This encoding then creates a neural network with various connections for that memory.
When a portion or all the above neural network is activated, then that memory or felt sense is brought into a person’s current awareness and reexperienced. This reexperience of a past memory occurs because that specific memory has not been fully integrated into a person’s nervous system and brain.
When our bodies are stressed, they release hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) to help us overcome the stressor or perceived obstacle. However, when that stressor lives in our in nervous system as a traumatic memory this can put our bodies in a perpetual state of stress and hypervigilance.
Trauma responses can be healed. EMDR therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing traumatic symptoms by engaging the body’s innate self-healing process called the Adaptative Information Processing (AIP) system. This system is engaged by Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) often associated with eye movements or tapping. If you are looking for a local EMDR therapist keep reading to find out how to find that that meets your needs!
Finding a local EMDR therapist that fits your needs is crucial. Not all therapists specialize in trauma therapy or are trained in EMDR. Some trauma therapists also offer online EMDR therapy to meet people’s needs in a convenient way.
How to Start EMDR Therapy?
If you are ready to start EMDR therapy, you can call us at 720.295.6703 or submit a form here to schedule a free 20-minute consultation. If we agree to work together, we will schedule our intake session during this call. We look forward to hearing from you!
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