My Wife Tells Me to Go to Therapy – What Do I Do?

Men may take time to warm up to needing therapy. Often, things in life and a relationship need to become so bad before men reach out for help. Societal expectation, minimizing, and fear of acknowledging reality can all play into this equation. But men, you can ask for help at any time. Don’t wait until your wife or partner tells you to go to therapy. Be proactive and seek out support on your own. This blog post will briefly cover relationship dynamics that may lead to this point and discuss ways men can find a therapist near them.

How Did We Get Here?

Most relationships have their difficult times and even years. But what happens if things don’t start to improve? Maybe it was the poor communication from the beginning, financial stress, or infidelity. If it was one or a combination of these things, they may have worn the relationship down to the ground. Unfortunately, avoidance of issues only works for so long.

Where Do We Go from Here?People's past events in life influence their current relationships. Don't let your past ruin the relationships you have.

At this point, people in a struggling relationship begin researching what to do next, decide to call it quit or seek couples therapy. I encourage you to do your research; there’s a lot of good information online. Couples therapy may help, too. But here’s the thing. Relationships are usually made up of two or more people. If there is something in your past, for example, trauma, couples therapy won’t be able to address that. You’ll need individual trauma therapy to help heal those wounds.

Ready To Acknowledge and Move Forward?

Avoidant patterns work well in the short-term but create lasting consequences later in life. Addressing the pain of the past can be scary, filled with shame and guilt, or dusting off and talking about situations that were never talked about. There’s a decision to make here. Lean into discomfort and address the issues directly, in a supportive, therapeutic environment, or let the past control and negatively influence your life.

Asking for help and being a man can be a scary venture. The National Center for Health Statistics with the CDC noted that men were almost half as likely to seek mental health treatment as women. With men less likely to seek mental health support, there may be men suffering in silence throughout America. They also may need some encouragement to reach out for help. When encouraging, let’s remember to be gentle and compassionate. Tough love does not always work.

Start Healing with Individual Therapy Near You

Working with an individual therapist can have many benefits. It can help you break free from the chains of your past that keep you weighed down. This can mean addressing past traumatic experiences, working through addictive patterns, learning how to cope with stress in a healthier way, or learning how to manage anxiety symptoms for example.

Revitalize Mental Health PLLC specializes in supporting men’s mental health and recovery. If you need support or know someone who does, you can schedule a free 15-minute consultation call by calling 720.295.6703 or by submitting an online form here. I look forward to hearing from you.

By: Daniel Gospodarek, LCSW

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